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Learn More about Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Have you ever been in hypnosis?  

Wondering how you might respond to it.  

Play this video and see what happens!

Complimentary Hypnotic Programming Recording 

If you have some questions about me or about hypnotherapy, you can watch these videos to find out more... or you can call me at 603-439-7711 or send me an email at

Hypnotherapy, Repressed Memory, and False Memory

What is repressed memory?


A repressed memory is a memory that you unconsciously avoid thinking about and unconsciously block.


What is false memory?


A false memory is a memory that is partially or entirely incorrect though the person who holds the memory believes that it truly happened. The false memory in which the entire memory is false is possible but rare. The false memory in which the partial details are not objectively true is quite common.


Why do false memories occur?


The subconscious mind records information 24/7. However, it is not like we have a video recorder in the brain. The information we gather comes through our perception, which is influenced by our past experiences, our beliefs and/or emotions, and other things. The information that comes through is generally bent, distorted, deleted, and generalized to fit our understanding. We rarely, if not never, know the entire story about what we experienced. We are constantly connecting the dots to make a story by filling the gap with our perceptions and assumptions because we can’t hold too many dots (random information) without making a story out of them.


Memory is part truth, part perception, part fabrication, part fantasy, and part confabulation.


Memory is flexible and adaptable. Every time you recall a past event, you add or subtract some elements/aspects to and from memory. The flexible and adaptable nature of our memories is the reason why we can heal from past challenging or traumatic experiences. And for the most part, the false memories have no significant consequences. At the same time, most false accusations come from false memories.


One clinical case drew attention to the consequences of false memories in the field of psychotherapy/ hypnotherapy, and this rare but possible phenomenon is called false memory syndrome.  “False Memory Syndrome (FMS) is caused by memories of a traumatic episode, most commonly childhood sexual abuse, which are objectively false, but in which the person strongly believes”


Because of the flexible and adaptable nature of the memories, as you recall and process past memories as a part of treatment, at no fault of either party (client or therapist), false memories can be unintentionally created.


In hypnotherapy, your hypnotherapist may suggest an age regression (childhood, prenatal, and/or past life) to help you move away from the problem state and towards the solution state. In a childhood regression, you may go back to one of your childhood memories to explore the memory, release authentic emotions, work through the issues from memory, and reframe your beliefs and clear your memory.


Why do we use age regression?


The subconscious mind needs a framework to process content. Because almost all of the content is generated in childhood, we use childhood memories to process the content. The memory you land in the regression may be mostly objectively true, your perception, confabulation, collective experiences/ representative memory, or metaphor. In this context, the purpose of hypnosis is not to recover your repressed memories, but it is to use the memory as a framework to heal from past events.


To avoid the consequences of creating false memories, there are a few Important things to remember:

1. memory is, in general, part truth, part perception, part fabrication, part fantasy, and part confabulation, and it is subjective truth.

2. false memories are common, and they are not always bad or consequential.

3. The memories that come up during the age regression are your subjective memories which give you a framework to process your subconscious content, and it may not be

objectively true.

4. Even when the memory is objectively true, the purpose of the session isn’t to recover repressed memories but to heal from past events/ memories.

5. Your hypnotherapist will not interject any opinions or offer any analysis/ validations while you explore your memories. And they will not ask any specific questions

other than to help you move along by saying, “what happens next?”

6. Your hypnotherapist helps you to move through the memory that is causing the present-day issues and clear the memory and move toward more love and more peace each session.


Contact Akira for further questions.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is an altered but natural state. It is an altered state because your conscious mind is also present during hypnosis. The hypnotic state can be determined by different brainwaves.


Beta Wave:

Waking Consciousness, Awake, Alertness, and Cognition


Alpha  Wave; 

Light Hypnosis, Relaxation, Daydreaming, and Guided imagery


Theta Wave: 

Hypnosis and realm of the subconscious mind, Dreaming (REM Sleep), and Deep 



Delta Wave: 

Deep Hypnosis and Dreamless Sleep


We are spontaneously moving in and out of different states every day.

Hypnosis is also moving through different brainwaves while consciously experiencing a dream state.

All Hypnosis is Self Hypnosis

The hypnosis requires your willingness to go along and take suggestions from your hypnotherapist. In other words, if you don’t want to go into hypnosis, you will not.


You will never be “hypnotized” against your will.


Your hypnotherapist helps you to go into hypnosis so that you can achieve your goals.


You can end hypnosis at any point by simply deciding to end it, opening your eyes, or counting up 1, 2, 3


Oh, by the way…

You’ll never get stuck in hypnosis… You can simply count up1,2,3, and you’ll be back to regular waking consciousness.

What is the Subconscious Mind?

Our Mind is like an Iceberg…

The conscious mind is just a tip of an iceberg.

We mostly operate from our subconscious mind. The study shows we operate 90-95% from the subconscious mind and 5-10% from the conscious mind.


The Subconscious Mind:

It is the seat of our emotions.

It is the seat of our imagination.

It is the root of consciousness.

It is the dynamo that directs our energy.

It controls and regulates the involuntary functions of our body.

It carries out our habitual conduct.

It serves as a memory bank.

It stores past experiences, learnings, memories, emotions, and beliefs.


The subconscious mind is storing information 24/7. What is stored in our subconscious mind is registered as true. Though, it is a mixture of fact, perception, fabrication, confabulation, and fantasy.

The subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what is imagined and what actually happened. The subconscious mind communicates through symbolic languages- images, music, and metaphors work well with it.


While we would like to think we are logical and our choices are made from the conscious mind (logical, methodical, and reasonable mind), the choices involving strong emotions always win us over. As much as we would like to think we can think our way out of problems, it is often not the case, and this is why it is difficult to kick old habits.


In hypnotherapy, we access our subconscious mind directly, and we can make changes we would like to see more effectively. We can unlearn old habits and learn something new.


What old habits do you want to unlearn, and what new things do you want to learn?



"Hypnotherapy is not a part of Western Medicine." 

Clinical Application of Hypnotherapy

It is a myth.

Since 1958, hypnosis/ hypnotherapy has been recognized as a legitimate medical treatment by American Medical Association.


  • Clinical Appreciation of Hypnotherapy
  • Pain control/ management due to burn, cancer, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fibromyalgia, and headaches
  • Manage/ reduce the symptoms of asthma and skin conditions, including warts and psoriasis
  • Manage/ cope with side effects from cancer treatment - nausea and vomiting
  • Manage hot flashes
  • Manage sleep disorders
  • Reduce/ manage symptoms of Posttraumatic Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, panic attacks, and phobias
  • With the referrals from your appropriate licensed medical and mental health providers, hypnotherapy is effective when used as an adjunctive treatment with your medical treatment for the conditions and symptoms you experience.




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